President's Message
‘Service Above Self’
We are a proud bunch of volunteers, that have served our local and international community since 1956.
We come from diverse backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences and professional skills.
We are known for creating the:
- Karrinyup Swap Mart, fundraising now for over 30 years
- The Scarborough Clocktower in 1979
- In 1998 founding the hugely successful: Wheelchairs for Kids
Rotary, through networking together, creates positive outcomes whether it be fundraising, financial assistance, health research investment, international humanitarian projects, to exchange students and youth programs of enrichment.
Our members find value and satisfaction from helping others and find growth from the learning and professional development we receive in the process.
We are always on the lookout for new members that believe they can contribute and wish to be a part of an international movement to be proud of.
Darren Meakins – President 2024 / 2025