Aug 08, 2019
Bishop Michael Musale
Education in Kenya

Bishop Michael Musale is one of 9 children and grew up in Nairobi . He was educated at the then named Prince of Wales School in Nairobi , went to University , graduated with a Bachelor of Education and then commenced teaching . He then enrolled at the Christian Life Teachings Bible College in Kenya and graduated with a Bachelor of Divinity . After further studies at the Baptist Theological Seminary , he received a Bachelor of Theology at their Texas ( USA ) campus in 2018 .

Bishop Michael has a vision to build 100 Schools to educate young children in Seregeya , Kenya .... he commenced with the first School in 2013 , and that school has grown from 20 students to now 145 students . In mid 2018 , a second camous of Victory Christian School was built in Seregeya and is flourishing ... last year our R C Scarborough contributed to the education of 4 students . 
